"best shooting clone I have owned"
morgan d'arcy on 8/2/2022 7:53:13 PM
Review: nice action good craftsmanship, smooth looks great shoots really well, rather than big SASS steel at6- 10 feet its possible to hit 20 yard rifle targets consistently- every thing modern I own actually shoots better but this is the one i shoot every time at range.
"Very Nice Replica"
don sigler on 3/19/2022 1:01:25 PM
Review: My wife immediately thought of 3:10 To Yuma, R. Crowes gun, I said Almost. Very nice job of color coordination on a smooth action gun. Roll Marked Engraving done in a very Classic Style. Understated yet grabs your eye. Proud to even find one.
"Gamblers Royale"
Carl Fleenor on 12/6/2021 10:53:41 AM
Review: This is a beautiful weapon. The craftsmanship is excellent. The action works more smoothly than any other weapon I’ve used. We can hardly wait to fire this fine weapon.
"Very Very Happy"
Edward on 1/15/2020 5:05:10 AM
Review: I was very happy with the purchase. The workings of the gun are very smooth. The quality of the engraving was very nice. For this price this is a very good deal. I am very happy.
"Gambler's royale"
Richard T. Folk on 5/29/2019 12:40:11 PM
Review: Very nicely made. Very good quality revolver. Action is very smooth engraving is perfect. Very pleased with my purchase. I highly recommend this gun. Thank you.