EMF Company, Inc. - Founded in 1957, EMF Company, Inc. is known for providing quality, authentic Cowboy guns, at affordable prices. The keystone of EMF's "Cowboy Way" is to provide friendly, personal customer service, and to stand behind the products we sell. Below are important links (listed alphabetically):
California Rifle & Pistol Association (CRPA): https://www.crpa.org/
CMSA (Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association): https://www.cmsaevents.com/home/
Kirst Cartridge Konverters: https://www.kirstkonverter.com/
Mr. Quigley Photography: http://www.mrquigleyphotography.com/
NRA (National Rifle Association): https://www.nra.org/home.aspx
NSSF (National Shooting Sports Foundation): https://www.nssf.org/
Single Action Shooting Society: https://www.sassnet.com/
Steve's Gunz (Rossi 1892 Specialist): https://www.stevesgunz.com/
Townsend Ranch (Larry & Janice Townsend): https://www.townsendranch.com/
VTI Replica Gun Parts: https://www.vtigunparts.com/
Wild West Junction: https://www.wildwestjunction.com/