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"1851 Navy Pepperbox .36"
George Tully on 3/7/2023 10:00:26 PM
Review: Great Company to deal with. Mind full of customer's account. looked a long time for product
"1851 Navy Pepperbox .36"
Bob on 12/10/2022 5:33:56 PM
Review: Groups well 10 yards @ over 700 fps with 28grn fff & 4 - 50grn .360 dia tuna can shaped projectiles from a custom mold. A poor man's Judge
James Harrington on 12/8/2022 8:36:55 AM
Review: Only one word fits, "AWESOME”
Graham on 7/4/2022 3:42:38 PM
Review: Best found in long time nice handling groups wells with loads tried well done
John Klimuszka on 6/23/2020 11:54:40 AM
Review: I just received the 36cal. Peperbox in the mail.It's a beautiful piece.the finish is beautiful.I had a question about removing the cylinder and called the company and they were very helpful.everyone I talked to at the company was very courteous and did everything to answer my questions.I would not hesitate to deal with them in the future.
"Awesome firepower"
Ian MacLeod on 9/25/2019 9:58:38 AM
Review: Solid construction, good build fit and finish make this an outstanding 'must have' for your collection. It's got great balance and is a good shooter too.